Async RMI

The future of Java RMI

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Generating keys.

The encrypt that used with asyncrmi is TLS.

By default if required the server and client are using unique self signed key pair and certificate for each client connection.

It is only required to configure the server to require encryption from each client to have all communication but the handshake encrypted. This is the server configuration file needed for this:

        - match: .*
          filters: [encrypt]


If you wish to use your one keys for the process you have to add id section in the server config file. In the id section you have to provide the path to pem private key file, and the path to a pem certificate file (that is the server public key signed by a certificate authority). you can learn how to create your set of keys and certificate here


        - match: .*
          filters: [encrypt]

        key : example/src/main/keys/server-private.pem
        certificate: example/src/main/keys/server-certificate.pem

With this configuration the server/client will use the provided key and certificate instead of generating one on the fly. This is useful if you wish to authenticate the client using certificate.

To authenticate the client the rule have to include one more element, the auth element that point to a file that contains the pem certificate that should be used to authenticate the client.

         - match: .*
           filters: [encrypt]
           auth: example/src/main/keys/client-certificate.pem

         key : example/src/main/keys/server-private.pem
         certificate: example/src/main/keys/server-certificate.pem

see example

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